Saturday 22 August 2015

Calcio Storico (sport festival)

                       Festival's of Italy

Calcio Storico

This is a sport festival which has been more then 500 year old.It is a sport mainly a mix of football and rugby with bare knuckle boxing added in it.Calcio Storico is not a game for a faint hearted person ,especially those wh cant bare the sight of blood.

Calcio Storico

                     It is also known as Calcio fiorentino .it was originated in the 16th centuary.
it was inspired by a
Roman sport of harpastum.
this festival became was much recognised  in the 17th centuary .

It is also one of the most brutal game on earth.but as it was even played by some of the popes during the time of rennaisance .here are some of the teams that participiate during this festival.
  • Santa Croce / Azzurri (Blues)
  • Santa Maria Novella / Rossi (Reds)
  • Santo Spirito / Bianchi (Whites)
  • San Giovanni / Verdi (Greens)

Matches last 50 minutes and are played on a field covered in sand, twice as long as it is wide . A white line divides the field into two identical squares, and a goal net runs the width of each end. Each team has 27 players and no substitutions are allowed for injured or expelled players. The teams are made up of four Datori indietro (goalkeepers), 3 Datori innanzi (fullbacks), 5 Sconciatori (halfbacks), 15 Innanzi o Corridori (forwards). The Captain and Standard Bearer's tent sits at the center of the goal net. They do not actively participate in the game, but can organize their teams and sometimes act as referees, mainly to calm down their players or to stop fights.

The prize is also interesting, because along with the Palio, the winning team used to receive a Chianina, a type of cow. However, the prize has been reduced to a free dinner for the winning team; the players earn no other compensation.

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